We are excited to provide a safe, fun place for kids to trick or treat and enjoy Halloween!
Here is some helpful information for you! As a trunk or treat car/tent/table, we encourage you to decorate the trunk of your vehicle/your tent or table and for it to have enough candy to serve about 2000 or more trick or treaters that will drive by you in their cars! We will have some space for trunks but we will also need people passing out candy from tents and/or tables. Please limit your table to one 6' table and tent to one 10' tent. The more fun you have the more fun the kids will have!
There will also be a car costume contest for those cars driving through the street of treats with their children. More information with prizes, etc to follow.
If you are wanting to pass out candy, please click the link below and register.
Trunk Registration

Date and Time
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Downtown Coweta
Drive down Broadway/Hwy 72, turn right on Ash and then turn right on Bristow
Coweta, OK 74429